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Section 16 If, in the opinion of the Registrar, the entire trademark or any essential part thereof is not registrable under Section 6, the Registrar shall refuse registration and shall, without delay, in writing notify the applicant of the order giving the grounds therefor.
Section 17 If, in the opinion of the Registrar, a trademark considered as a whole is registrable under Section 6 but contains one or more parts which are common to the trade for some types or classes of goods such that no applicant should have exclusive right thereto or which are not distinctive, the Registrar shall make either of the following:
(1) order the applicant, within ninety days from receipt of the order, to disclaim exclusive right to use of such part of the trademark;
(2) order the applicant, within ninety days from receipt of the order, to make such other disclaimer as the Registrar may consider necessary for the purpose of defining the rights of the owner under such registrations.
For the purpose of implementing the provisions of the first paragraph, the Registrar shall have the power to declare by notification what is common to the trade with respect to certain types or classes of goods.
The Registrar shall, without delay, in writing notify the applicant of any order under the first paragraph giving the grounds therefor.
Section 18 The applicant may appeal against the Registrar under Sections 14, 15, 16 and 17 to the Trademark Board within ninety days from receipt thereof. Decisions of the Trademark Board shall be final.
If the Board has decided that an order of the Registrar under Section 14 is correct, the Registrar shall proceed to process such application.
If the Board has decided that an order of the Registrar under Section 15 or 17 is correct, the applicant shall comply with the order of the Registrar within ninety days from receipt of the decision of the Board.
If the Board has decided that an order of the Registrar under Section 14, 15, 16 and 17 is incorrect, the Registrar shall proceed to process such application.
Section 19 If the applicant does not appeal under the first paragraph Section 18, and does not comply with an order of the Registrar under Section 15 or 17, as the case may be, or if the applicant files an appeal under the first paragraph of Section 18, but does not comply with Section 18, paragraph three, the application shall be deemed abandoned.
Section 20 Subject to Sections 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35 and 41, where several applicants file applications for registration of trademarks which in the opinion of the Registrar are identical or so similar that the public might be confused or misled as to the owner or origin of the goods and the applications cover goods in the same class or goods in different classes having, in the opinion of the Registrar, the same character, the prior applicant shall be entitled to be registered as the owner.
Section 21 If, in the opinion of the Registrar, the identical or similar trademarks under Section 20 are all registrable under Section 6 and the applications are in conformity with the provisions of this Act, the Registrar shall order the applicants to comply with Section 24 and shall inform the applicants in writing without delay.
An applicant who does not agree that his trademark is identical with or similar to other trademarks under Section 20, may appeal against the order of the Registrar under the first paragraph to the Board within ninety days from receipt of the order. In such case, Section 18 and 19 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Section 22 If, in the opinion of Registrar, one or more of identical or similar trademarks under Section 20 fall under Section 15 (1) or (2) or Section 17 but others are registrable under Section 6 and the applications are in compliance with the provisions of this Act, the Registrar shall order the applicants of the trademarks which fall under Section 15 (1) or (2) or Section 17 to comply with Section 15 or 17, as the case may be, and shall delay the registration of the registrable trademarks and the processing of the duly filed applications. The Registrar shall, without delay, notify the applicants in writing. In such a case, the provisions of Section 21 paragraph two shall apply mutatis mutandis.
If it appears that an applicant whose trademark is found by the Registrar to fall under Section 15 (1) or (2) or Section 17 has compiled with the order of the Registrar under Section 15 or has filed an appeal under Section 18 paragraph one and the Board has decided that the order of the Registrar is incorrect, the Registrar shall order the applicant and the applicants whose applications have been delayed under the first paragraph to comply with Section 24 and shall without delay notify the applicants thereof in writing.
If it appears that all of the applicants whose trademarks found by the Registrar to fall under Section 15 (1) or (2) or Section 17 have abandoned their applications under Section 19:-
(1) In the case where there are several applications which have been delayed under the first paragraph, the Registrar shall order the applicants to comply with Section 24 and shall without delay notify the applicants in writing;
(2) If there is only one application which has been delayed under the first paragraph, the Registrar shall order the publication of that application under Section 29.
Section 23 If the Registrar finds that all of the applications for identical or similar trademarks under Section 20 fall under Section 15 (1) or (2) or Section 17, the Registrar shall order the applicants to comply with Section 15 or Section 17, as the case may be, and shall without delay notify the applicants in writing and Section 21 paragraph two shall apply mutatis mutandis.
If it appears that two or more applicants have complied with the order of the Registrar under Section 15 or 17 or have appealed under Section 18 paragraph one and the Board has decided that the order of the Registrar is not correct, the Registrar shall order the applicants to comply with Section 24 and shall without delay notify the applicants in writing. But if it appears that only one of the said applicants has compiled with the order of the Registrar under Section 15 or17 or has appealed under Section 18 paragraph one and the Board has decided that the order of the Registrar is not correct, the Registrar shall order the publication of that trademark application under Section 29.
Section 24 Within ninety days from the date of receipt of the order of the Registrar under Section 21 paragraph one, Section 22 paragraphs two or three (1) or Section 23, the applicant shall agree as to which one shall be the sole of the trademark and any one of them shall inform the Registrar in writing within such period whether or not agreement has been reached.
Section 25 In the case where the Registrar has been informed within the period specified in Section 24 as to which applicant is allowed by agreement to register, the Registrar shall order the application of such applicant to be published under Section 29.
In the case where the Registrar has been informed within the period prescribed in Section 24 that no agreement has been reached or has not been informed within the said period, the Registrar, under Section 29, shall order the publication of the first applicant or of the first among those who have not abandoned their applications, as the case may be.
Section 26 In the case where Registrar has already notified the applicants in writing to comply with Section 24 and another applicant files an application for a trademark which the Registrar finds to be identical with those of the other applicants or so similar thereto that the public might be confused or misled as to the owner or origin of the goods, the goods being of the same class or of the same character in a different class, the Registrar shall refuse registration and shall, without delay, inform the applicant in writing. In such a case, the provisions of Section 21 paragraph two shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Section 27 If the Registrar is of the opinion that there has been honest concurrent users to special circumstances which make it proper to do so, the Registrar may allow the registration by more than one owner of a trademark which is identical with or similar to a registered trademark under Section 13 or to trademarks applied for under pending applications under Section 20 in respect of goods of the same class or goods of a different class but found by the Registrar to be of the same character subject to such conditions and limitations as to the mode or place of user or such other conditions and limitations as the Registrar may think fit to impose. The Registrar shall without delay notify the applicants and registered trademark owner in writing giving the grounds thereof.
The applicant or registered trademark owner may appeal an order of the Registrar under the first paragraph to the Board within ninety days from the date of receipt thereof.
Decisions of the Board under paragraph two shall be final.
Section 28(1) A person who has filed a trademark application in a foreign country and files an application for the registration of the trademark in Thailand within six months from the first foreign application, he may claim the first foreign filing date as the filing date in Thailand if he possesses one of the following qualifications:(1) being a Thai national or a juristic person having its headquaters located in Thailand;
(2) being a national of a country party to a convention or international agreement on trademark protection to which Thailand is also a party;
(3) being a national of a country which accords the same rights to Thai nationals or juristic persons having their headquaters located in Thailand;
(4) being domiciled or having a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment in Thailand or a country party to a convention or international agreement on trademark protection to which Thailand is also a party.
In the case where the first foreign application has been refused, or withdrawn or abandoned by the applicant, he may not claim the rights under the first paragraph.
In the case where a trademark application is filed in a foreign country for the same trademark which a previous application has been refused, or withdrawn or abandoned by the applicant within six months from the date of the first foreign application, the applicant may claim the rights under the first paragraph provided that:
(1) no claim for the right of priority under the first paragraph has been made for the trademark application under paragraph three; and
(2) the application under paragraph three may not be processed under the trademark law of the country where the application was filed; and
(3) the refuse, withdrawal or abandonment of the application has not been disclosed to the public.
Section 28 bis(1) In the case where goods bearing a trademark are exhibited at an international exhibition held in Thailand or a country party to a convention or an international agreement on trademark protection to which Thailand is also a party and organized by a government agency, public enterprise or any other government unit of Thailand or the member country or recognized by the government of Thailand, the trademark owner may claim the rights under the first paragraph of Section 28 provided that he files a trademark application for the goods exhibited in such exhibition within six months from the date of introduction of the goods into the exhibition or the first foreign filing date, whichever is earlier. In such a case, the application shall not be used to extend the time period prescribed in Section 28.
The organization of exhibitions of goods to be regarded as international exhibitions and the application under the first paragraph shall comply with the rules, conditions and procedures as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.