Links to Thailand Law Information
Legal News
Thailand Lawyers
Type of Thailand
US Visa Immigration
Thailand Divorce
Thailand Prenuptial
Articles Archive
Law Database

The following links regarding the law in Thailand and Southeast Asia will direct you to various web sites related to the Government of Thailand, Non-Governmental Thailand Law Resources, and International Law Mega Sites. These sites provide information on Thailand law, law firms, and attorneys, both foreign and Thai. The links are intended to direct you to information only, not to give specific advice regarding Thai law.

         If you need assistance choosing an attorney or law firm in Thailand please visit the Thailand Law Forum Lawyer referral page, Thailand Lawyers and Attorneys.

         Once you have established our link, please inform us by sending an email to The email should also include your URL, title and description for the listing on our site.
Thai Government Sites (Law Related) 
Thailand Embassy in Washington D.C, 
The Council of State of Thailand  
The Legal Execution Department of Thailand
Parliament of Thailand 
Thai Office of Judicial Affairs
Royal Thai Police
Bank of Thailand
Stock Exchange of Thailand
The Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand
Office of Board of Investment ( BOI )
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry of Finance
Non Governmental Thai Law Related Sites 
Globalex Thailand Law Section:  New York University Hauser Global Law School Program Database on International and Foreign Law.  The Thailand law section has extensive resources
Thailand Law Forum:  This site provides law news, scholarly articles and commentaries on Thailand and related business and social issues in Thailand is site provides a number of summaries of Thailand laws with explanations.
Washburn University's School of Law This site provides several useful links to Thai legal and other resources.
Siamlaw  This site has a great deal of Thai legal information and is mostly in the Thai language..
International Law Mega-sites:
Lexis  This is one of the old standbys in the field of legal research.  It is basically American oriented but in recent years they have added more international resources.This is a pay site.  Rumor has it that recently they have been offering a one time "spot" price to complement their monthly fee packages.
Westlaw  Westlaw, the famous law book publisher, has been online for several years.  It is Lexis' chief competitor and offers a similar range of services.
Law Guru  We suspect, but have not confirmed, that there is no actual  "guru" nor any comments or eastern spiritual practices on this law related site.
LegalScholar Database of legal information and representation worldwide.
PIPERS Worldwide Listing of Patent Attorneys and Patent Agents, Trademark Attorneys, Trademark Agents and Intellectual Property Attorneys is a very useful resource for the professional Intellectual Property lawyer and for people in need of such services.

Emory University Law School Online Reference for Thailand Law Another useful academic site with an impressive website. Here is the section that has Thai Law Links and other Thailand links.

Thailand attorneys managed by American Lawyer Giving legal assistance in Thailand such as prenuptial agreements and divorce.
Law firm with foreign and Thai attorneys assists with legal issues in Thailand including real estate purchase and land lease.
Attorneys who specialize in US visas such as K1 and K3 visa for Thai Fianc? or Thai wife and assistance at US embassy in Thailand
Intellectual Property and Trademark Specialist