For additional academic articles on the law of Thailand and Southeast Asia, please see the Thailand Journal of Law and Policy
Company Law
Liquidation and Dissolution of a Private Limited Company: Legal Procedural Requirements by Ladda Phenphol. This article discusses the procedure for the liquidation and dissolution of private limited companies under Thai law.
Corporate Governance in Family Controlled Companies: A Comparative Study between Hong Kong and Thailand by Saravuth Pitiyasak. This article is a comparative study between Hong Kong and Thailand family controlled companies and how family controlled companies in both counties affect corporate governance.
The Foreign Business Act by Siam Global Associates Co., Ltd. This article provides an overview of the Foreign Business Act, formerly know as the Alien Business Law, along with the recent amendments that were added in 1999.
Foreign Business Act: This article outlines the new Foreign Business Act which replaced the Alien Business Act in early 1999. The Foreign Business Act affects the majority of foreign owned businesses in Thailand.
Regulatory Reform and Competitiveness in Thailand by Sukda Thanitcul. This article examines current regulatory reform, privatization and deregulation in Thailand in light of political and economic developments and the long-term structural effects of such policies.
Money Laundering. This overview of the characteristics and importance of money laundering practices to businesspeople was written for the ICC’s Standing Committee on Extortion and Bribery “Corporate Practices Manual on Extortion and Bribery" by David Lyman, Senior Partner, Tilleke & Gibbins.
Copyright and Intellectual Property
The Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Outer Space of the EU and Thailand This article discusses the potential use of existing laws for application in issues regarding outer space as well as proposals for changes in the legal framework to address this under-developed area of law.
Taking on the Copyright Pirates in Thailand by Edward J. Kelly and Hassana Chira-aphakul (Tilleke & Gibbins). This article discusses the legislative background supporting enforcement measures of Thailand's intellectual property rights regime, and the practical methods and barriers to carrying out enforcement within Thailand.
Thai Supreme Court overturns lower court's decision in a landmark case involving the sale of pirated Microsoft software programs by Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd. This article discusses a controversial decision regarding a lawsuit between Microsoft and a Thai computer company.
Enemy at the Gates: Thai Anti-Counterfeiting Border Control Measures by Dana Christine Bergling, Law Intern of Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd. This article discusses the measures Thailand is taking to battle counterfeited goods being brought into the country.
Anti-Counterfeiting Campaigns: Strategies for Thailand by David Lyman Esq.of Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd. This article discusses intellectual property rights in Thailand and their lax attitude towards enforcement of trademark laws.
TRIPS and the Specialized Intellectual Property Court in Thailand by Vichai Ariyanuntaka. This article discusses the significance of protection for intellectual property rights in regard to international trade and industry in Thailand.
Summary of the Amendment to the Trademark Act by Tilleke and Gibbins, Intellectual Property Department. This articles provides a concise and thorough summary of the recent amendments to the Trademark Act.
Intellectual Property and International Trade Court: : A New Dimension for IP Rights Enforcement in Thailand by the Honorable Vichai Ariyanontaka, Judge of the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court (Thailand). This article provides an explanation of the history, development and functions of the IP and IT Court of Thailand.
Annexed ADR in Thailand: A New Challenge by the Honorable Vichai Ariyanontaka. This article by a renowned judge of the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court discusses the court-annexed alternative dispute resolution process in Thailand.
Commentary : Thailand’s New Trademarks Act by Satyapon Sachdecha and James Pate. This article provides an insightful analysis of Thailand’s nearly amended Trademarks Act and the practical effects resulting from the Act.