Land Law
Revitalizing the Law and Development: A Case Study on Land Law in Thailand This study, co-authored by Tim Sawers J.D. and Philip Von Mehren J.D., analyzes the relationship between law and land development. The study urges the reader to re-evaluate the impact legal changes have made on shaping social and economic change in Thailand.
The Casa/Gal Volunteer Program This article discusses the development and background of legislation concerning children's rights in the Philippines and its impact on the family and community.
DNA Technology and Philippine Courts This article discusses the use of DNA evidence and other technological advances used in the Judicial process. Although the writer addresses the Philippine Courts, the information is relevant in other jurisdictions as well.
The Trafficking of Filipino Women and Children Judge Nimfa Cuesta Vilches explains the situations which give rise to illegal human trafficking and the current legal frameworks, organizations, and guidelines for identifying and enforcing trafficking violations in the Philippines.
Trade and Treaty Laws and Agreements
The Investment Regime in ASEAN Countries This article examines how legal and economic factors, both national and international, have led to investment liberalization in ASEAN member countries. The author focuses on analyzing ASEAN countries' investment regimes to show how their national laws furthered the process of open regionalism.
Framework Agreement on the ASEAN Investment Area (AIA) This article discusses the Framework Agreement on AIA whose objective is to establish a competitive ASEAN Investment Area in order to "attract greater and sustainable levels of FDI into the region and to realize substantially increasing flows of FDI from both ASEAN and non-ASEAN sources by making ASEAN an attractive, competitive, open and liberal investment area".
What are the Needs for Technical Assistance from an Asian Developing Country's Perspective ? This article is aimed at presenting views on technical assistance required by developing countries and discusses technical assistance for the implementation of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health.
GATT AND THE PROTECTION OF THE GLOBAL COMMONS: IMPLICATION OF THE TUNA-DOLPHIN I, II CASES by Sakda Phanitchul. This article discusses the relationship and conflicts between the GATT, environmental protection issues and multilateral environmental treaties, with particular emphasis on the Tuna-Dolphin cases.
Open Regionalism and Deeper Integration: The Implementation of ASEAN Investment Area (AIA) and ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) by Dr. Lawan Thanadsillapakul, professor at Sukhothai Thammathirat University. This articles overview of the progress made in implementing ASEAN free trade policies.
Competition Laws and Economic Integration in ASEAN by Dr. Lawan Thanadsillapakul. This article provides a detailed survey of the competition laws in ASEAN nations. Dr. Lawan is a professor of law at Sukhothai Thammathirat Faculty of Law.
THAILAND'S NEW TRADE LAW SEEKS TO ELIMINATE UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES AND MONOPOLIZATION by Fabrice Mattei. This article is an analysis of Thailand's New Competition Law.
The Income Tax Treaty Between the United States and Thailand: An Overview and Analysis - The Income Tax Treaty Between the United States and Thailand: An Overview and Analysis -by Jonathan Leeds. This article was published in the Sukhothai ThammathiratLaw Journal (Thailand) in Volume 9, Issue 2, December 1996.
ASEAN Bilateral Investment Agreements Dr. Lawan Thanadsillapakul provides an analysis of ASEAN bilateral investment agreements by examining the differences between various ASEAN bilateral investment agreements including how they compare and contrast with those of nations. She discusses the situations which have given rise to the bilateral investment agreement process and provides explanations for the similarities and differences between bilateral agreements within and outside of the ASEAN structure.
United States and Thai Law
A Legal Guide to Internet Usage by Jonathan Leeds. This article was presented at the Conference on Legal Issues for Corporate Counsel, hosted by the Nation newspaper and Asia Business Forum. The conference was held on March 15-16, 2000 at the The Royal Meridian Hotel in Bangkok. The article discusses legal issues surrounding internet, web site and email usage with an emphasis on US and Thai law. The article may be of particluar interest to businesses and employers, especially those within Thailand.
US International Law Enforcement Cooperation: A Case Study In Thailand - US International Law Enforcement Cooperation: A Case Study In Thailand -by Jonathan Leeds. This article was published in the Journal of International Law and Practice of the Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University, Volume 7 Issue 1, Spring 1998. The article deals with the mechanisms that the United States uses to enforce its criminal laws outside of its own jurisdiction, and in particular, within Thailand. The article also deals with the broader policy issues involved in the exercise of US criminal jurisdiction outside of its borders. The article has been republished in the Thammasat University Law Journal (Thailand) in the December 1998 edition.